Today, I had an appointment with Dr. Foster. Ben went with me. Everything was just fine. She decided to use the ultrasound to find the heartbeat because she said that it was sometimes hard to find with doppler at 13 weeks (they found it that early with Drew...but, I wasn't going to argue). She tried to get a "picture" of the baby. However, each time she got a profile view of the baby..."it" would move. "It" is apparently a wiggly little one. This is no surprise as Drew never cooperated for ultrasounds either. She kept apologizing about not getting a picture. I said that I didn't care as long as everything looked alright. All this and she didn't even tell me the heartrate...
We went to what was supposed to be the Balloon Glow tonight at Tri-State Aero (part of the Freedom Festival). Drew was disappointed when we had to leave due to the impending storm with 60-70 mph winds. He didn't understand why the balloons didn't blow up. Mariah told him that if they went up now that they would be torn up and he wouldn't ever get to see them again.
I will attach a few pictures of him getting his blanket ready, the red airplane that he loved, and him dancing...he is crazy!!!
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