Drew turned 4 on May 30th! He is really excited to be 4. We took the day off of work and took him to the "green slide park" for a picnic lunch and to play. While we were at the park, we let him open a present. It was his "I'm going to be a Big Brother" scrapbook. He didn't get as excited as we expected...mostly because he wanted to go play on the playground. We then had a party at the "brown slide park" with a bunch of family and close family friends. Drew enjoyed hamburgers and hot dogs with his special ketchup, all kinds of fruit from Nana, and special Mickey Mouse pasta along with special lemonade and sweet tea that Susan and Holly brought. He got a purple phone (the one that used to be Mommy's and Aunt Holly's when we were kids) that he really wanted for his birthday. His favorite color is now Purple instead of Pink as Pink is not in the rainbow! He even got a special present from GiGi that we found when we were cleaning out her apartment...she hadn't missed a birthday party yet! He couldn't eat his birthday cake. So, I attempted to make a Mickey Mouse shaped cake. Well, Drew will tell you that it broke into a million pieces. Luckily, Drew was happy with eating Mickey's feet for his birthday and eating the pieces for the next few days!
So where y'all want to move next?
6 years ago
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