Saturday, April 25, 2009

March for Babies funny video...Drew loves this!

Click here to help me reach my goal!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Emma is 3 months old!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A day on the farm with Ross...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

2-month pictures...a little late

Emma is now 11 weeks old! Yes, I am just now getting around to posting her 2 month pictures - Can you tell that I am back to work? It has been quite busy around here. I went back to work on February 6th. Emma started going to daycare at an in-home daycare with Danielle. She seems to be doing pretty well. Danielle keeps two toddlers (I think they are probably close to 18 months by now) and Emma full-time and two or three others part-time. So, Emma gets spoiled a little because she is the only baby! We took her to her 2-month well baby visit with Dr. Phillips on the 25th. She was 10 lbs. 5 oz. and 22 1/2 inches (50th % on weight and head circ. and 75% in length). They all kept commenting on how long she was. The nurse couldn't wait to measure her! She did very well with her shots. She only fussed for a minute or less and was fine after that. Last night she actually slept from 10 or 10:15 until right before 5 this morning. As you can see from the time of this posting, she isn't sleeping like that tonight (I am typing this as I am waiting to make sure that she stays asleep before I go to bed). She is pretty random about her schedule - unlike Drew was - but, it is pretty workable. Well, I need to get to bed. I will post more later if I have time. I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Emma is 1 month old and has RSV

Well, Emma turned 1 month old yesterday. She came down with a head and chest cold this weekend (Drew had it last week, I have the head cold, and Ben is getting a sinus infection). I called the after hours clinic on Saturday morning just to make sure that they didn't want to see her because she is so young. They said as long as she didn't have a fever to just keep an eye on her. Well, she has been doing ok most of the weekend but is still super stuffy and sick. When I went to my post-partum check-up this morning Dr. Foster heard her cough and acted concerned. I told her that I had planned on calling the regular doctor if it continued or got worse and that I had already called this weekend. So, I called and got in to see the Nurse Practitioner this afternoon. She checked her out and was acting like she was sick but doing alright...kind of like I might not have even needed to bring her in (but, I wanted to have it checked out before the storm hits tonight). She said that she would go ahead and check her for RSV while we were there but that it would take 15-20 minutes. So, I was waiting when someone came in to check her oxygen levels. I assumed that this was just routine. Then the Nurse Prac. came back in not realizing that the nurse hadn't told me that it was positive. So, I was a bit shocked. She went to check in with Dr. Phillips as to our plan of action. Since she was seeming to do so well at this point (however, we think she is struggling too much to breathe), we are going to keep doing what we have been doing at home (cool mist vaporizer, saline spray, nasal suctioning, holding her upright, and letting her sleep in inclined positions). We have to call back to the office tomorrow to give a report and go see the doctor on Thursday morning to check her lungs out again. So, keep us in your prayers that we all get well soon - and don't end up in the hospital ... we have had enough of that as Drew was in the ER last night due to a double ear infection after hours. We did manage to get some decent pictures of her on her 1 month birthday...Drew even copied the sign for me for the one picture. We hope you enjoy and that you are all avoiding this winter crud. Hopefully, we will all be well enough for me to go back to work in two weeks...

The one picture is of her sneezing...and her weight was 8 lbs. 4 oz. at the doctor today...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Kindergym at Acros

Drew went to Sammy's birthday party this past fall at Acros (one of the gymnastic gym's in Evansville) and loved every minute of it. So, we decided to look into signing him up for one of the classes. The next session began this, he is now enrolled in Kindergym on Thursday nights. He is one of three boys in the class (and I think the other two are twins - brothers at least). We are hoping that this helps with some of his after school energy during the winter. He had his first class Thursday night and said that it was more fun than the birthday party. Before we went, he said that he already knew how to do flips better than them...he learned how at the circus! Here are a few pictures of our big monkey...

Monday, January 19, 2009

A few random pictures

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Prayer Request

We ended up going to church in Carmi this morning so that we could stop by to see my uncle this afternoon before he leaves for Barnes-Jewish in the morning. We found out on Friday that his stem cell transplant is no longer working. They got back the results from his bone marrow biopsy from the week before (at approxmitely the 100 day mark).

Here is how his oldest daughter described it: "The bone marrow biopsy showed only 15% donor, the other 85% is acute leukemia. Daddy received platelets and then they headed home about 3:00 ish. They report back to St. Louis on Monday morning to begin another round of chemo (stronger this time) and possibly some other treatments. Without treatment Daddy only has a few weeks to live, so they will be aggressive and do all they can to help him, but we know that God is the one in control."

They are leaving for the hospital at 6:30 in the morning to check-in around 9:30 for an undetermined journey that has been discussed as being a couple of months or so (if it works). They don't really know what the future none of us really does. However, they would greatly appreciate prayers from anyone.

Here is a list of names if someone would like to include them in their prayers:

Bob Lamp (my uncle - had myelodysplastic syndrome which has now progressed to leukemia)
Madeline Lamp (my aunt)
Dawn Lamp (my cousin's wife who is going to be with them on Monday and Tuesday)
Brooks and Anna York (my cousin and her husband who are traveling over on Tuesday night and returning Thursday night)
Barbara McArthy (my cousin who is going over on Thursday night)

Please keep these people in your prayers along with the entire family as they begin the next leg of this journey.
